Its Okay!

its okay not to be okay Hello everybody and I have no clue how many of you opened up this link and are actually reading it instead of scrolling it down. If you are still reading this - hey there mate! its an honour to have you here. I know life is not always a bed of roses, it has thorns too! And incase you feel like you are walking on a path full of thorns and its hurting then trust me you can actually take a break and ask for some help from someone. While a lot of you may still be thinking what i am talking about? worry not im still here. Life seems good when it is all lit but in the dark times we all secretly, silently crave for a company. We want someone to be incharge of our back. We want someone just to be there and lend an ear. Yes,we may not admit to the fact that we need someone to reach out to us. We may deny that we are weak and we feel we can go through this alone. but shh here's a secret :- its okay not to be okay! its okay to admit that your life is da...