D.E.A.T.H. Trust me while I’m trying to write this blog up, I have no clue as to what specifically this one is going to end up stating. Its just that apparently I have holidays and all I am doing is procrastinating. This post is wonderful isn’t it? But what we don’t get is, Do we die of causes and reasons and prolonged illnesses? Or we just choose to surrender to all of them and then just lay there until death comes to us. It is easy for us to say that we don’t want to live anymore or we have no reason to live anymore. But have you ever seen a person who wants to live, wants to jump up, wants to laugh till it hurts in their tummy, wants to eat their favourite dish at that one particular restaurant because it has so many memories attached to them but they just can’t do all of that because off their long-term bedridden illness. We don’t decide how we die or where we die or when we die. Imagine this though; you are in your octogenarian years, idly laying and shittin...