I Got Leh'd
I know that seems like a really fun title and you won't believe me but I did buy a tee with literally the same written on it. I don't think a major part of you guys know but I had been on a trip to Leh-Ladakh and that is exactly what today I am going to post on. You don't need to have your bags packed and yet I'd take you on a journey that'd make you wish for having your bags packed and running off to Leh. First things first, this wasn't a planned trip. This happens for most of the trips I take recently upon choosing a career in engineering. I choose not to post the itinerary of the trip here but in case you need mine for the referral purposes, you could drop a mail and I'd happily send it to you. Let me put this out there, I was scared for taking this trip. Yes, I was extremely scared and worried when we were putting the plans for this trip into execution. This was due to 2 reasons:- 1. I was going to be traveling with my family i.e. my mom and dad. ...