Hello to all of those who chose to read this article even after reading the title. Despite the government - both state and central, issuing us various warnings and doing their best in implementing the countermeasures possible, we still fail to understand the gravity of the current situation and that is the reason I thought of curating the posts not just based upon on Whatsapp forwards but also real factual data. We all know that India stands second when it comes to the race of the population preceded by China and followed by the United States of America. However, we all know the names of the major countries that have been severely affected by the Coronavirus aka COVID-19. So I just tried to list down all the countries with their current population count - China - 1,439,323,776 India - 1,380,004,385 US - 331,002,651 Italy - 60,461,826 This is how the countries rank in terms of population and all of these have actually been affected by the virus. Now, let us also tak...