Gestures - volumes they speak

Hello, hi, Namaste... Finally a month into 2019 and it is still taking me a lot of time for the reality that its a new year now to set in. This is going to be the first post of 2019 on this blog. Hence, I thought why not stick to the roots behind this blog or maybe dig deeper into the roots too.

See the main motive behind posting all the blogs has always been to make the world a better place and to stop it from turning into an eye for an eye place. Right now, we are going to talking about how big, influencing role gestures play in our lives and why gestures are essential in our current living space.

I am an introvert and being one, I find it really hard to talk to people I haven't been on recent terms with. Worse, I have always felt like I am at a loss of words regardless of the situations. This is where using gestures comes up as a boon for me.

Gestures are those words which I never even have to utter but the message is sent. You see that security person sitting near the gate of your building each day, opening and closing the gates for your cars, performing some minor chores for you. You ever think the need to express your gratitude towards him; just smile and tell him "thank you bhaiya/chacha". Trust me, this might not add or debit anything from your day but it would add a good memory in his. The sense of being appreciated would make him glee.  The same is accountable for your liftman, washerman, maid or anyone else who provides some basic service to you.
The next good use of gestures is when it comes to friendships and relationships. You see a friend walking towards you but its been a long time and you are in a hurry. Just wave at them from a distance and show them your watch indicating that you are getting late. You'd save yourself from minutes of thinking about topics to talk on and the other person won't even feel neglected. You go to your friends saying "I am here for you" but why not just go to them and ask," ki kya hogaya bhai? apun abhi jinda hai. tu bas bata kisko lena hai."

 Things would be so easier if we SHOW what we mean rather than SAYING what we mean.

You have that special person in your life whom you'd hate to lose. Just hug that person whenever you meet them and let them know how afraid you are of losing them. Hold their hand whenever they are in doubt or fear or maybe just sad. Call them up and ask them how their day is been going. Give them something to laugh on when they say that work has been awful today. Staying together will always be harder than letting go but for once just give them a smile and assure them that you will do anything to make this work.

Lastly, the people who need the most of your good gestures are your parents. They won't explicitly ask for your time or attention as you grow up but make it a point that you still give them your time. Wake up early of your day offs and have a little brunch with them. Help them buy stuff from the supermarket. Keep your phones off the dinner table. Make it a point to talk to them each for 10 minutes a day at least. Ask them how their HEALTH is.

Every stranger you meet is like a new book you are yet to explore. You don't rip covers of the new book, right? You open it with a lot of carefulness and patience. Do the same with strangers. Use the good words "Please", "May I", "Thank you", "Welcome", etc.

Lets just please make this world bearable enough to exist.

On that note, signing off :) Happy 2019.


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