
Showing posts from May, 2019


It is not easy, it will never be. Each wound caused to you comes along with a certain amount of pain, a certain amount of tears too probably. Each wound caused to you, be it internal or external, is an outcome of things not going the way they were planned to go. Each scratch is a memory of how hurt you were when it happened. The worst part of these wounds is the fact that they don't disappear easily. THEY STAY. They make you realize each time as to how you got hurt the last time and why you shouldn't repeat the same thing again. But shall we stop? Shall we cease doing whatever caused us the wound? Can you stop eating pieces of vegetables and start eating them as a whole just because the last time you held the knife it hurt? No, right. Similarly, you cannot stop trusting someone because it hurt you the last time you did. However, as you age, you realize that you cannot stop yourself from getting wounded completely ever. The only thing you can control and have power over is...