
This is just going to be a vent it out all post so if you feel that this was harsh or ruthless, I may or may not be sorry.

All the above images are the notifications or stories that I have received from one of the news apps within a duration of 24 hours. Yes, it is so hard to believe that 24 hours and this is how we are progressing in our country.
The contradiction here is so strong, on one hand, there is Padmashri Sudha Murthy coming up on the Indian national television and motivating her vision of empowering the females of the country and on the other hand, this is how our fellow citizens are treating females in our country.

We have the media covering all the news related to the high profile cases like Ram Lala and Babri Masjid but unfortunately only one of the rape news makes it to the corner under 50 words section of our newspapers. All the media channels covering the whole political drama in Maharashtra and if not this then being head over heels in love with displaying the rumors related to the Pakistani government but none covering the rape cases until they realize that some peace marches are being carried on.

As a judiciary system, what are we doing when we find such cases coming? We give them dates.. lots and lots of dates. We wait for the people to increase the pressure then find the criminals and give them what? Sentence them to death.

Death is never the solution, it never was. The criminals have their way of 'fun' before they are caught and sentenced to death.
A rape victim goes through so much. Beginning from the pain of being thrust upon to the shame that society makes you feel in case you somehow manage to survive. It is nowhere close to easy. The whole experience is traumatizing and each individual out there thinks that this shouldn't happen to me or someone I know. I hope this too.
But if the victim faces so much of pain despite being innocent then why do the criminals don't?
Why are the criminals given a fate wherein you cover their faces with a black cloth and simply hang a rope around their necks?  This is 0 pain.
No death sentence is ever going to stop a rapist from raping but some other terrorizing punishment might.
Let them be castrated or make the punishment so harsh, shameful and torturous that it makes the wannabe criminals or rapists go weak in their knees and prevent them from doing such heinous, shameful crimes. I know this is cruel, harsh or maybe inhumane for a lot of you all but what they do to the victim is much worse.

Dear Indian Judiciary System, if you ever read this, please change the punishment for rape cases to something terrorizing because sentencing to death is simply not the answer.

-- thank you.


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