In case people call you "mental" already, you really don't need to continue scrolling down this post as your mental health is the best it could be. For those of you who are the exact opposite of "in-sane", read it. Spend five minutes of your valuable time reading this. I guess you won't regret. While everyone around you is posting about #WorldMentalHealthDay, get this straight to your mind. Mental Health is important. Mental Trauma is worse than any health disorder. Your body doesn't worsen but your thoughts start getting ill. Don't deteriorate your mental health for anyone. IF IT WON'T MATTER FIVE YEARS LATER, DON'T SPEND EVEN FIVE SECONDS THINKING ABOUT IT. Yes, that's the golden rule. Do what makes you happy?No. Do what gives your mind the peace it always keeps looking for while it wanders to long empty road trips amidst a crowded local train. And as I always quote, in case you have anything, let that thing be as little ...